
Washington’s Faculty Association of Community and Technical Colleges (FACTC) is a statewide network charged with reflecting faculty perspectives on critical instructional issues. As an organization, it maintains a neutral posture on political issues and concerns that are appropriately the province of professional negotiating faculty organizations.


The goal of FACTC shall be to act as a voice for the faculty in order to influence the decision-making process of the state system of community and technical college education for the following reasons:

  • improve the quality of educational programs in the community and technical colleges in the State of Washington.
  • submit policy recommendations to the Executive Director of the State Board for Community and Technical Colleges (hereafter referred to as SBCTC).
  • cooperate with the SBCTC in the development of procedures through which faculty organizations of member institutions can participate in the decisions which affect the programs for community and technical college education in the State of Washington.
  • confer with the Executive Director and/or the SBCTC on matters essential to the interest of community and technical education in the State of Washington.
  • confer with other components of the community and technical college system on matters concern education in the State of Washington.
  • appoint faculty representatives to system-wide committees.
  • improve communication among college faculties, and to encourage faculty professional organizations to maintain their autonomy and effectiveness.
  • provide information to the system on items of relevance.